Never Meet My Heroes
This pretty much happened exactly as depicted. I’d just seen him do a really good (and completely made up on the fly) panel with Kiwi comic guru Dylan Horrocks, Li Chen and Tim Gibson at Chromacon. I wanted to congratulate him on his talk, and oh-so-casually mention my new webcomic. Sounds easy, right? Not so much. I think it’s because I’ve read so many horror stories along the lines of “how not to talk at a creator when at a convention” and am trying so hard not to do any of those things that I just kind of freak out and do all the stupid things simultaneously. I guess it doesn’t help that plenty of artists might be a bit freaked out by the endless torrent of slightly-too-cheerful people coming to see them – I know that I am when in that sort of situation. For me it’s like the awkwardly unstoppable force meeting the introverted object. If you’re reading this: I’m sorry, Gregor.
Anyway, Gregor Czaykowski has a completely hilarious and occasionally heartbreaking webcomic called Loading Artist that you should absolutely definitely look at. Seriously, it’s one of the best things on these internets.